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Donaiton to US

Toward an expanding world of design
Thank you for your lasting interest in JIDA’s activities.
At JIDA, we ask for donations to fund projects that help fulfill our association’s mission objectives—to properly and broadly raise awareness of what industrial design has to offer, and to contribute to the sustainable development of society and the economy, as well as to the improvement of our lifestyles.
Specifically, donations fund the following projects:
(Specific uses)

  1. Certifications
  2. Seminars
  3. Hands-on activities
  4. The JIDA Design Museum
  5. Studies and research
  6.  Exchanges and collaboration

Donors may select where to pledge their contribution(s).

  1. Any one or combination of the above six projects
  2. Our 70th-anniversary project
  3. JIDA in general
  4. Specific committees or regional blocs

Contribution period: April 1–March 31
Payment methods: credit card, postal order, bank transfer, other
Donor Benefits
JIDA is a tax-exempt organization. Donations to JIDA are tax-deductible. We will send your donation receipts by post by the end of January when tax filing season begins; be sure to apply for tax credits.
For more information, visit the National Tax Agency website.

Ways to Donate

Donors may select where to pledge their contribution(s).

  1. JIDA in general

  2. The JIDA Design Museum

  3. Other JIDA projects, committees, or regional blocs


Donate via credit card

Donate to JIDA easily with your credit card. Click on the link below to specify an amount as either a recurring or one-time contribution.

JIDA Online Contribution Form


Donate via credit card


Give to JIDA easily with your credit card. Click on the link below to specify an amount as either a recurring or one-time contribution.

JIDA Online Contribution Form


  • When filling out the contribution form, please include the project or committee name or the regional bloc you would like to give to in the message section. Leaving this section blank will result in your contribution being applied to 1) JIDA in general.

  •  Even if you leave the section blank, you may specify a project, etc., by sending an email to or calling our office later.

  • Please note that contributions to specific projects and blocs will be included in the fiscal year from April to the following March.

Donate via bank transfer

If you would like to donate via postal order, check the box below and click “send.” You may also contact our office as specified below. If you would like to make a bank transfer, please input the donor’s name and address and remit payment to the following account. We will send you a receipt by post.